Wednesday, September 22, 2021

English Civil War 15mm: New Model v. Scots

Scots: Mike & Chris.  New Model: Jim & SteveJ.

We used map deployment.  The New Model is on the near side did a boring conventional deployment with pike & shot in the centre, musketeers on each flank & cavalry on each wing. The Scots put their highlander& artillery on the ridge in the their centre with cavalry on their left & lowland pike & shot on their right. 
The English plan was to outflank the Scots' left with cavalry, holding back their foot. Their left flank cavalry is being re-deployed to the right.  Their right flank cavalry going out wide. The infantry have pulled back their left onto a ridge.  
The Scots have responded by puling back their left to cover that flank batter & advancing with their pike & shot on their right.
The English cavalry have completed their re-deployment to the right.  The Scots have sent half their highlanders forward to support their Pike & shot.
The Sots have deployed their musketeers in front of their pike schiltons & are trying to soften up the English foot.  The English ordered their LH cavalry to attack the highander's flank, but despite being Well Trained Vets the order did not get activated, for the moment frustrating their plan. 
The Scottish musketeers got much the worse of the musket duel & got out of the way for the pikes to charge.  The Scots had bigger units v. better troops making a the infantry fight a tough slog.  The Scots won on their right, but the angle in the line helped the English in the centre & the Highlanders were overlapped on the near side. 
The English cavalry have finally got their orders & despite taking some fire from the Scots' artillery are threatening the lowlander's rear.
The Scots have sent half their cavalry to support their infantry, but too late.  The Roundheads have already broken a musketeer unit & the the lowlanders are about to break.
On the Scottish left, the English cavalry attacked after half the Scots cavalry was pulled out.  The Scots horse countercharged down hill armed with hot dice & shattered half of the English cavalry brigade, but their highland foot are being beaten by the other half.

The Scots failed army morale at this point.  The battle showed how the extra space you get on the table with 15mm provides much more scope for manouvre than 28mm.

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