Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Modder Fokkers

 Tonight we got out the WWI aircraft for two 6 player games using our Modder Fokker rules.

Steve, Jim & Chris all flew Fokker DVII.
Mike, Mitch & mark flew Camels.
Each plane's starting position was decided by drawing cards, so one plane in each corner & at the midpoints of the long sides of the playing area.

Game 1 starting locations:
                Mike's Camel            Steve's Fokker                  Mitch's Camel
                Marks's Camel          Chris' Fokker                   Jim's Fokker.

In this dogfight Chris & Steve shared the kill of Mitch's camel, but then Mark shot down Chris.  Steve was badly damaged & ran for home leaving Jim's undamaged Fokker facing two Camels with moderate damage.  After a bit more skirmishing, Jim also ran for home.  So kills equal but a  inor win for the Brits as they held the filed.

Game 2 starting locations:
                Mitch's Camel,                 Steve's Fokker                    Mark's Camel
                Mitch's Camel                  Jim's Fokker                       Chris' Fokker      

In this battle Jim & Chris tried to combine on Mark's Camel, but Mike arrived to help before serious damage was inflicted on Mark's Camel.  Mitch by-passed Steve & took on Chris while the other 2 camel's attacked Jim.  Jim was wounded by a lucky shot & ran for home rather then fight disadvantaged against 2 camels.  The 3 Camels then converged on Chris & before Steve could get into the action chris had sustained so much damage that he too ran for home.  Steve then took on all 3 Camels evading serious damage, but the task was too great & he too eventually broke off & ran for home.  So while no planes were shot down, once again the brits won a minor victory by holding the ground. 

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