Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Napoleonic: French v. Austrians again

Same armies as last week but with some different players & a village to fight over.
Austrians: Renfrey (left flank) & Jim.
French: SteveJ (right flank) & Chris.

View from behind the Austrian right.
Both sides attacked on their right flank & advanced into the village as fast as they could.  French lancers have charged straight down the road though the village preventing the Austrian getting to the RH house before their own legere, but the Austrians got to the LH house first.
On the far flank the Austrian Uhlans were beaten by French hussars with infantry support.
In the centre, the French Uhlans rode down the grenadiers, but the supporting line infantry managed to stop their follow up charge.  Both sides are trying to blow the enemy out of the house they occupy with musket & cannon fire.
Right of centre madded Austrian columns have slammed into the French line.
On the right flank, the outnumbered French cavalry have been quickly broken.
On the left of the village the French are pushing the Austrians back & they have driven the Austrians out of the LH house, but the Austrian infantry are still holding off the French cavalry.
Right of centre the infantry fight is still indecisive. 
On the right flank, bad command dice has delayed the Austrian exploitation of the cavalry's quick win.
Both sides' left flanks are collapsing.
On the left Renfrey is pulling back.
In the centre, the French cavalry has finally broken the Austrian foot, but but is shaken itself, so has pulled back in the face of the French artillery.
The legere in ther RH house has been blown away by artillery fire. 
On the right the Austrian are mopping up the squares at the end of the French line.
Both sides have had their left flanks pretty much destroyed, but in both cases exploitation of success is thwarted by the enemy artillery.  The charge of the Austrian dragoon against the artillery on the hill was stopped by fire  & the Austrian infantry on the right of the village likely to meet the same fate if they advance.
The Austrian yegers have taken the RH house after the artillery cleared it out, so both sides have half the village.  There is only one difference in the number of unshaken & unbroken units on each side, so it was declared a draw,

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