Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Campaign in the Shenandoah Day 3

The second battle of the campaign occured late on day 3 at the bridge over North Fork near Front Royal.
Ewel's CSA Corps was advancing on the Luray to Vinchester Road behinfd an advance guard of cavalry.  At Front Royal the CSA cavalry ran into a smaller force of US cavalry,  The US cavalry retreated accross the bridges over the South Fork & North Fork.  The retreat halted mid afternoon when the US cavalry joined up with infantry across the North Fork bridge.
Ewell atacked across the bridge as soon as his infantry caught up with his cavalry at the bridge.

The rivers are un-fordable, so the rebs can only attack across the bridge.
The rebs spend some time crossing the South Fork bridge & deploying between the rivers while their artillery took out a Union battery.
The rebs charge across the bridge into a ring of Union fire.
The lead regiment is blown away, but not before some lucky shooting took out the 2nd Union battery.
Just before dark another Union Corps appeared on the north bank of North Fork (off to left of pic).
At nightfall the Rebs have gained a foothold across the river, but have 4 regimernts broken, 2 shaken & 3 with casualties..  The Union have 1 battery broken, 4 regiments & 1 battery shaken.& 3 regimants with casualties.
This day;s battle was a draw.
Overnight, both sides have the option of reorganising within their front lines, or withdrawal.



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