Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Shenandoah Campaign: Battle of Winchester continues

We pick up where we left off last Tuesday.
Mike commands the CSA left, Steve the CSA right.
Mark commands the Union centre, Chris their left, Renfrey their right.

On the union right, the cavlry fight has played out & both sides have regrouped.
In the centre, the CSA battery has cleared the Union front line & is being moved forward.
The firefight continues in the wood.

On the Union right, the CSA skirmish line is peppering the formed Union line.
On the Unuion right, the Union are advancing with theri cavalry wrapping around the CSA left.
In the cemtre the CSA have redeployed theiri battery & are gradually getting the upper hand in the wood.
On the Union left, their line has collapsed.
On the Union right the CSA have fallen back to a good defensive position.
In the centre, the union line is crumbling under relentless pressure. 

The Union left & centre is colapsing back into the town whiel theri attack on their right is petering out against a strong defensive line.  The Union concedes the battle & orders a general retreat.

The union losses include a lot of their artillery.  Holding the town against superior artillery is unlikely, so the Union begin a retreat back to Harpers Ferry conceding the CSA victory in the campaign.


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