Wednesday, January 24, 2024

New Model Army still in Scotland

Same armies as last time, but the player have changed sides with a new scenario & terrain utilising the my 3D printing of the last week.  1st pic from behind NMA left flank.

Both sides have had their pike & shot, artillery & one cavalry brigade camped on the plateau on their side of the river. Both sides can deploy their camped force anywhere on the flat area of their plateau before the start.

Both sides have reinforcements coming on along the road on their left.  The English have 4 cavalry & 3 musketeers, the Scots have 4 cavalry, 2 musketeers & 6 highlanders. The road columns can start to deploy on turn 1.  (The Scots' columns extends off the table, so 3 highlander units will march on along the road).

The Scots are on the left.   They have sent their cavalry forward off the plateau to cut off the English left flank force while their pike & shot move directly at the musketeers deploying in the farm. 
On the far flank the Scots have advanced their cavalry down the road & the English have charged towards them, but not yet in contact.  The English foot are advancing directly at the Scots foot.
On the near flank the English musketeers are desperately trying to defend the farm against heavy odds while their cavalry defend their flank.
On the far flank, the English are winning the cavalry fight.
The English musketeers in the farm yard are being cut down by superior numbers of muskets.
The Scots cavalry have lost their 1st line  & the 2nd line has rallied back.
Both sides have detached part of their right flank force to move to the centre.
On the far flank the English cavalry have finished off the Sots cavalry & have engaged infnatry as the English infantry are still coming up.  
The Scots have cleared the musketeers out of the farmyard, but their cavalry has been destroyed.
on the far flank the Scots infantry is still holding on, but the English foot is closing in.
Both sides have had the infantry of their smaller division destroyed by superior numbers, but the English cavalry destroyed all the Scots cavalry making decisive difference.  The Scots  fail their army morale test & the New Model win again.


rross said...

Oh can you please send the NMA back south of the border - as a Scot, its making me shudder - I hear the name Cromwell and all I can think of is the absolute disgrace of the overwhelming loss suffered at Dunbar! In England, routing the royalists, he is a great guy, but in Scotland, not so much (mind you, it was 'our' own fault for siding with the king and his son!)

anymous said...

and a great move by the english cavalry from the left riding down all of the scotts artillery