Friday, October 04, 2024

Napoleonic: French v. Austrians

French: 2 Corps: Mike & Renfrey
Austrian: 2 Corps: Mark & Chris

The four corps deployment zones were decided by random card draw.
Mark's 1st Austrian far LH corner.
Chris's 2nd Austrian mid RHS.
Mike's 1st French Far RH corner.
Renfrey's 2nd French: Near LH corner.
Mark has sent his cavalry down the table to try & pin down Renfrey while he advanced most of this corps towards Mike.
Mike has sent his cavalry down the centre to attack Chris while his inftry dvised half to make defense against Matl & half to attack Chris.
Chris has formed a defensive line facing both ways.
Renfry has immedialtey attcked Chris with his cavalry supported b y hakf his foot while the rest is distacted by Marked's cavalry
The bolf French cavaly cahrges didn't all succeed, but they had infantry support to plug their loss while the Austrian losses made holes in theri line the French were able to exploit.
Chris's corps is in big trouble as Mark.  Mark's grenadiers arrived in time to make a rear attack on one French cavalry unit, but the rest were being held off by half of Mike's infantry while the other half attacked Chris's flank.
Chris tried a counterattack on his left, but the French turned to face it & held it off,In the cntre, Chir's infnatry are being sweezed between the twi French corps & is melting away.
Chris corps is disintergating & Mark calls sauve qui peut,

The random deployment of multiple corps/divisions usually produces interesting scenarios & this no exception.