Thursday, July 28, 2011

Area 52 Competition

The Area 52 competition was up to its usual excellent standards.  Unfortunatly, the FOW competition was down on its attendance, with only 9 signed up, and one player willing to play only if needed to round the numbers.  In the end, one player had to drop out at the last moment, removing the need for the 'bye buster', and only 8 played.  This is in marked contrast to the Warhammer rooms, which were FULL of people!!!!!

Camp Cromwell had only two representatives -- Nick and Steve.  (Munt mainly plays at Kingston, so we cant really claim him.  And Byron was going to play, but was the player that had to drop out at the last moment).

The terrain was beautiful, being set up by the Kingston bunker rats.  The terrain was deceptivly open -- the fact that walls blocked line of sight for infantry, but only concealed for tanks, meant that there were a fair few long range gun duels.  The battles were 1750 points late war, with 3 hours per game -- which should be enough for a game, but I (I being Nick) had all 4 games called for time!

The scenarios were randomly decided on the day.  They were
- Hasty Assault
- No retreat
- Fighting withdrawal
- Free for all

Steve cam away with Best General, scoring a loss, two wins, and a winning draw.  However, overall winner was Tristian, with a devestating Fallschirmjager list from Cassino.

Attached are some pictures from the army parade.

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