Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ECW: Scots v. English

Scots (Mike): 4 P&S, 3 Highlander, 2 shot, 8 med cav, 3 guns.
English (Jim): 4 P&S, 3 shot, 4 heavy cav, 4 med cav, 2 guns.

The Scots are on the far side.  The English have put all their cavalry on their right flank.  The Scots have put most of their cavalry on their right flank.  
The Scots advance their right.
The English prepare a defence with their left anchored on the village while they send half their cavalry their left flank.
The Scots cavalry have deployed to face the English flank, but the English have had time to prepare a strong defence.
The Scots are attacking the angle in the English line. while their artillery bombards the English centre.
The English cavalry have counterattacked the Scot's right, but the corner of the English line is in trouble.
The English have pulled their centre back out of artillery range after receiving serious casualties.
The English cavalry counterattack is driving the Scots cavalry back, but they have had to pull back their centre after the corner unit broke.
The Scots have begun to advance in the centre, 
The English cavalry on their right have advanced to stop the Scots infantry advance on the centre.
The English cavalry on their right have charged between the pike & shot blocks to take out the Scot's artillery.  On the far flank the Scots cavalry is down to it's last line.  In the centre the English have fallen back,  but the Scots don't have enough troops left there to follow up while their left is tied up by the English cavalry. 
On the far flank, the surviving Scots have fallen back behind the hedgerow..
In the centre, two English cavalry units have crossed behind the Scots rear, but have been met by the Scots cavalry reserve. 
On the near flank, the Scots foot have resumed their advance now only two English cavalry are ,left to face them.  The English cavalry are falling back out of musket range.
At our 10pm curfew, nightfall ends the battle.
The English have pulled their left back behind the hedgerow.
On the far flank, the hedgerow bought the Scots right some time for the their cavalry reserve to save the day by stopping the English rear manoeuvre.   

Applying our new Army Status test, we found that the the Scots had 12 unit points left capable of fighting & the English had 11.  Only one difference, so the battle was declared a draw.  A fitting result for a good attack plan met with a sound active defence.

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