Sunday, September 22, 2024

ECW: Scots v. New Model Army

 A small one on one battle to welcome Chris back from OS & bring him up to speed on the new simultaneous movement sequence developed while he was away.
Scots (Chris): 4 P&S, 4 Highlander, 2 Musketeer, 4 Medium cavalry, 2 guns.  All regular except wild highlanders.
English (Jim): 3 P&S, 2 Musketeer, 3 Heavy Cavalry, 3 Medium Cavalry, all veterans with very good command.

The Scots are on the far side.
The English immediately advance all along the front.
On the left the English cavalry ride down one musketeer unit & the gunners, but one musketeer unit holds on.  
In the centre the English foot charge home without stopping the fire.
On the far flank the English musketeers defend the farm against the highlanders.
The Scots musketeers on the hill have beaten off one cavalry unit, but have been charged by a second.  The two victorious English Heavy Cavalry units have charged on taking out the first line of Scots cavalry & engaging the second line.  
In the centre the English have won on the RH end, are losing the LH end & the centre is still in the balance.
On the far flank, the English musketeers have beaten off the first highlander attack, but a second one is coming.
The English cavalry are moping up on the left. 
The English have lost the LH end of the infantry fight, but have won the centre & right.
The English musketeers are holding off the second wave of highlanders on the right.
The last Scots P&S in the centre has been broken by the combined fire of the two victorious English P&S units.  The last of the highlanders have been repulsed.   The last of the Scots cavalry is facing 2:1 odds & about to break.  It's game over for the Scots.

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