Approx 11,000 foot, 6,000 horse, 14 guns, 60 stands, 1081 pts.
CIC Rupert (2), Byron (2), Goring (2)
Newcastle's Foot: 3 pike + 6 musket FT A CR8
Pike & Shot: 6 pike + 6 musket CT P CR6
Musketeers: 6 CT P CR3
Rupert's Lifeguard: 3 HC FV A Pistol CR8 (undisciplined)
Cavaliers: 28 HC FT P Pistol CR6 (undisplined)
Artillery: 2 stands
Scotts Covernanters & Parliament:
Approx 15,000 foot, 7,000 horse, 500 dragoons,
CIC Lesley (2), Cromwell (3), Fairfax (2)
Parliament foot: 4 pike + 8 musket CC A CR6
Scotts Covernanters P&S: 8 pike + 8 musket RC P CR4
Musketeers: 8 RT P CR2
Dragoons: 2 Mounted Inf CT P CR3
Cromwell's Ironsides: 12 HC CV A Pistol CR6
Parliament horse: 12 HC CC A Pistol CR4
Scotts horse: 12 HC RC P Lance CR3 (undisciplined)
Artillery: 5 stands
There is a gentle slope down from the Royalist position, but not tactically significant.
There are roads, but they are just muddy paths, so have no sognificance & are not on the tbale.
The main feature is a ditch curving across the Royalist front. +1 defending the far side. -1 charging over.
The ditch on the table has some scrub, but it's decoration - no significant cover.
There is low hill behind the Parliament line & an enclosed field behind the Royalists (where Newcastles' men made their last stand).
Both sides can divide their force into as many Command Groups as they like & use map deployment.
Royalists on their side of the ditch. Frontage no wider than ditch.
Scotts/Parliament no closer than 40cm from the ditch. Frontage no wider than ditch.
Scotts/Parliament get 1st turn & must attack - Royalists win if battle not decided by nightfall = 10.30 pm real time.
Both sides have a CIC & 2 wing commanders. The wing commanders can only give orders to their own command (which comprises the cavalry & support troops on one flank), the CIC can give orders to anyone. Note that although Cromwell is the best general (3 dice) he is only a wing commander.
The Battle:
The Allies attacked late in the day on the whole front. Mostly the attack was held off, but Cromwell won his (left) flank decisively, rallied his men & sent them into the Royalist rear to cause a general rout.
The Wargame:
Royalists: Renfrey & Nick.
Parliament: Mark, Dillon & David.
Cromwell (Dillon) advanced to attack on the right while tendative advances were made on the left by Fairfax (David) & in the centre by Leslie (Mark). The Royalists responded by making a spoiling attack on their right while sending reserves to strengthen their left. Their right flank attack won some & lost some, but it distracted Mark & his advance on the centre never gathered momentum. Meanwhile Cromwell's attack simply wasn't strong enough & the Royalists were able to make counterattacks on the flanks of his units.
When time was called the Royalists had the upper hand. Their spoiling attack on their right had won more than it had lost, even though it was petering out under the counterattack from the centre. Their own centre was almost untouched & their right had Cromwell on the run. Before Parliament could tidy up their left & mount an attack on the centre, the Royalist right would have plenty of time to reorganise to be able to attack their flank. A Royalist victory.
It was a bit ambitious to do such a big multi-player battle for players having their 1st go at the new rules, but it moved along pretty well & we got a lot done in 2 hours fighting time.
Both pics are taken from behind the Parliament's left.
Pic 1: Both side's rights are advancing to the attack.
Pic 2: The end of the battle.
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