Thursday, August 08, 2024

More Napoleonic with simultaneous movement

An encounter battle with French & Russian columns coming on roads from opposite ends of the table. 
French (Mark): 5 line, 1 legere, 3 dragoons, 2 battery.
Rusains (Jim): 8 line, 1 hussar, 1 dragoon, 2 batteries.
The French have a better command rating & shoot better, but the Russian infantry take an extra casualty before being shaken.

Both sides march their foot down the road in oposite parallel courses. 
The cavalry face off accross the river as the infantry move up.
The Russian cavalry dell back as their infantry & artillery depoyed.
The French are moving infantry up through the farm their cavalry towards the Russian right flank.
On the far flank the infantry stand out of musket range.
In the centre the French are attacking from the farm.
On teh near flank the French cavalry have charged the FRussian cavalry.  The Russian hussars were able to fall back behind infantry squares nbefore they broke, but their dragoons have been broken. 
On the far flank the French have now advanced to start a fire fight.
In the centre the French infantry have failed to break through.
On the near flank the French cavalry is regrouping.
On the near flank the French cavalry don't dare attack the line of squares.
In the centre the French attack has run out of steam.
On the afr flank, the Russain infantry had been getting the worst of teh mauket duel & fell back behind the ridge,  but when the Russian hussars moved over to support theire foot, the French broke off the attack & conceded the battle.

The draft rules for simultaneous movement are working well.  We saw a few oportunities for further improvement, but as we hoped, the system is providing an interesting change from IGOUGO. 

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