Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Successor battle with simultaneous movement

Seleucis: Jim & Mark: Phalanx, Galacian foot, Companions, Medium cavalry, Elephants, skirmishers.  
Dimetros:  Steve & Mike: Phalanx, Hoplites, Heavy Cavalry, horse archers, skirmishers.
Deployment method. Loser of toss puts down a brigade, then the winner puts down a brigade.  Toss again & repeat until all deployed.

The Seleucids are on the right.
Seleucis has deployed elephants behind his cavalry on both wings to support his & disrupt Dimetrios'. Dimetrios attacks with his cavalry on the near flank.
Both sides make a cautious advance on the far flank.  
Both sides are holding back in the centre.
On the far flank a confused indecisive fight is ongoing.
On the near flank Seleuicis is doing slightly better than Dimetrios.
In the centre Seleucis' phalanx has advanced, but not attacked. 
On the far flank Seleucis has turned a phalanx right to support his cavalry & elephants.
In the centre the hoplites have counter-charged the advance of the Seleucid phalanx.
On the near flank both side have heavy losses, but no one has won yet.
The far flank is pretty much M.A.D.
The Seleucid phalanx has failed to beat the hoplites & is falling back.
Dimetrios's phalanx is now advancing towards the Galacians.
The near flank is still indecisive. 
On the near flank the Seleucids have finally won, but have only 1 cavalry & 1 elephant unit fit to fight.  
The left end of the Galacian line which is not on the hill & has been shot up by horse archers earlier is in deep trouble against a phalanx.  The rest of Dimetrios' phalanx has declined attacking up the hill at the Galacians. 
The advance of the hoplites was halted when the phalanx reached the support of the Galacians.

At this stage neither side has failed their Army Morale Test, though Dimetrios is on wood & Seleucis not far off.  It could still go either way, but time was up so the battle was declared a draw.

This was our first trial of the simultaneous movement system with ancients.  We found that it didn't work quite as easily as with musket era battles we had been trialling it with, but part of that was that we hadn't played ancients for a long time.  With more HTH combat there was more scope for complex interactions of multiple units & we found that the modified HTH combat result table 
needs some fine tuning.   We're going to give it another go with ancients next week.


James Fisher said...

I have been following your posts of games with simultaneous movement with some interest. The use of counters, presumably for each unit, would make it quicker than writing orders. Are you finding that it still takes time, or is it simple and quick enough, since the actual orders/actions, I presume, are quite simple: charge, stand, move (direction and speed?), change formation/facing. I would assume that firing is a given if able?
Another advantage is that it would prevent any 'tinkering' as the order is given, move the unit, end of story!
Are the unit actions within the framework of higher-level orders (brigade, division, corps)? This is probably in the files for your rules, which I have not checked prior to typing this comment!
Regards, James

Jim Gandy said...

I'll describe the system in more detail in another post. Keep an eye on the blog.