Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Reprise of last weeks' battle

We reprised the battel we fought last week, but with Mark commanding the Russians.
French: Steve
Russians: Mark

The Russians deployed first, then the French.
French have heavily weighted their left flank.
The Russians have moved infantry to their right to meet the French advance.
Then French attack begins with a cavalry charge while the Russian infantry in the orchard fal back after taking high casualties from artillery & musket fire.
The Russian dragoons have been defeated but the French cavalry have fallen back from the line of squares.
The French infantry are attacking the farm while their cavalry pins down the Russian right flank
The French infantry have taken the farmhouse & orchard & cleared the hedgerow but the 2 Russian batteries are inflicting serious casualties.  On the far flank the French have started an advance following up the Russians who have pulled back to support the centre.
The French attack through the farm has run out of steam.  The French cavalry is powerless against the combination of squares & artillery & they only have 3 sound infantry units left on the right flank.  he French concede the battle.

We have fought a similar Napoleonic scenario three times as test games for our new simultaneous movement system.  The Russians won all three.   In the process we have ironed out a few bugs in the new rules & the players are all keen to try them out in ancients next week.  



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