Eumenes (Mark) v. Antigonus (Barrie, Joe & Byron)
Scenario from Lost Battles by Prof Sabin fought with Camp Cromwell Rules.
Afterwards Mark said it all went according to plan. He used most of his elephants to help his cavalry get the upper hand on his right while the rest of them supported peltasts, argaraspids & hypaspists on his left. He held back his heavy infantry in the centre behind a cloud of skirmishers. When Antagonus' phalanxes finally got to grips with Mark's centre, throwing some hot dice, the center of Mark's line developed some cracks, but the cavalry from the right arrived in the nick of time in the enemy rear, Antagous's phalanxes broke and that was the battle.
It was a long hard fought battle. It took over 3 hours, partly because it was a very big battle (over 40,000 men or 400 figs a side), but also because there was a good deal of pussy footing around, skirmishing & manoeuvre. The rules worked well except the consensus was that the bow fire wasn't quite effective enough. I'll adjust that.
1st pic shows Antigonus & staff advancing their horse archers on their left.
2nd pic shows Eumenes getting his left on the move.
3rd pic shows the battle about to reach its climax.

1st pic shows Antigonus & staff advancing their horse archers on their left.
2nd pic shows Eumenes getting his left on the move.
3rd pic shows the battle about to reach its climax.

Eumenes (Mark)
Hypaspists: 3,000 1x4 Confident Vet Longspear Armoured CR 7
Silver sheilds 3,000 1x4 Elite Confident Vet Longspear Armoured CR 8
Mercenary phalangites 6,000 1x6 Reluctant Vet Longspear Armoured CR 7
Levy phalagites 5,000 1x6 Reluctant Conscript Longspear Armoured CR 5
Peltasts 8,000 4x3 Confident Trained Spear Javelin Protected CR 3
Light infantry 10,000 4x8 Reluctant Irregular Skirmishers 1 Bow, 2 Sling, 1 Javelin
Bodyguard cavalry 900 1x3 Elite Confident Veteran Armoured CR 7
Companions 900 1x3 Confident Veteran Armoured CR 6
Heavy cavalry 3,000 3x3 Confident Trained Armoured CR 5
Light cavalry 1,500 2x4 Reluctant Irregular Unprotected Sword Javelin CR 0
Elephants 125 4x3 Reluctant Warrior Protected CR 4
Inf 35,000, Cav 6,300, El 125
Eumenes 3 dice + Eudamus 2 dice.
Antigonus (Byron, Barrie & Joe):
Macedonian phalanx 8,000 2x4 Confident Trained Longspear Armoured CR 6
Mercenary phalanx 9,000 2x6 Reluctant Vet Longspear Armoured CR 7
Levy phalanx 8,000 2x4 Reluctant Conscript Longspear Armoured CR 5
Peltasts 3,000 2x3 Confident Trained Spear Javelin Protected CR 3
Light infantry 5,000 2x8 Reluctant Irregular Skirmishers Javelin
Bodyguard cavalry 600 1x2 Elite Confident Veteran Armoured CR 7
Companions 1,000 1x3 Confident Veteran Armoured CR 6
Heavy Cavalry 4,700 4x4 Confident Trained Armoured CR 5
Light cavalry 4,300 6x4 Reluctant Irregular Unprotected Sword 3 Javelin, 3 Bow CR 0
Elephants 65 2x3 Reluctant Warrior Protected CR 4
Inf 33,000, Cav 10,600, El 65
Antigonus 3 dice + Dimetrius 2 dice.
Battlefield is a plain with scrubby hills (difficult ground) on Eumene's left, Antigonus' right.
Ground scale is 500mm per km on 8x6 table.
Free deployment in own rear 1/3 with maps.
Core units for army morale test are the heavy infantry (phalanxes) for both sides.
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