Monday, August 31, 2009
FOW Tournament
Tournaments are a great way for gamers to get together and share their hobby. Not only do gamers get to try their generalship against a wide range of other gamers, they also get to admire well-presented armies, swap ideas, and generally have fun.
The Launceston Gaming Club is pleased to announce that they will be conducting a Battlefront sanctioned Flames of War tournament. Local stockist Tiger Models will be providing a prize pool in conjunction with Battlefront, New Zealand.
- Saturday the 31st of October and Sunday the 1st of November, 2009.
- Starting 9am both days. Detailed timings will be forwarded to competitors.
- RAOBC Lodge, Birch St. Newstead, Launceston.
- Drinks and light snacks may be purchased.
- There is a great shopping centre very close for lunches etc.
Player Registration
- Players must have completed the registration process to be eligible to compete in this tournament.
- Registration closes at midnight, Thursday the 29th of October 2009.
- No registration, no entry, no exceptions!
- Registration fee. Player registration is $15.00 for the main tournament. And $5.00 for the Young-bloods tournament!
- Payable to the club treasurer before the tournament, or on the Saturday morning for travelling competitors!
Contact Details
- Questions, or submitting army lists and/or registrations to
- Forms available during club nights or by return email
Tournament Details
Main Tournament
Tournament type
- The tournament will be a round robin Swiss Chess draw consisting of five match-ups
- Three games on the Saturday
- 2 games and trophy presentation on the Sunday
- Tournament software as supplied by battlefront will be used to calculate opponents based on their success/failure. This will ensure even match-ups and hopefully no one-sided affairs – resulting in a great challenge for all competitors.
- Army lists will be limited to1500 points (1501+ points will be considered illegal).
- Army lists are to be constructed from the current Afrika and Ostfront books ONLY!
- Not the new North Africa book or any of the current supplementary books
- Each game will have an allowed time limit of two and a half hours, with a adequate time between each match-up for the players to rest and refresh themselves.
- Tables will be preset with terrain and mission scenarios
- These will be randomly allocated to players at the drawing of each round
- The only missions used within this tournament are Encounter, Hold the Line, & Breakthrough
- If the tournament has an odd number of players, the tournament software program will give one player a bye each round.
- A player will only get one bye in a tournament.
- Generally the bye will be given to a low-ranking player rather than one who is doing well in the tournament.
- As the player taking the bye misses out on a game, they get the maximum of six Victory Points for the game. This ensures that they are not penalised in the overall rankings and rewards their generosity in stepping down for a round.
- Doug Colbeck has been appointed organiser and umpire this event
Young-Bloods Tournament
Tournament type
- The tournament will be a round robin Swiss style draw consisting of two match-ups
- The two games will be played on the Sunday, followed by trophy presentations
- The tournament will follow the main tournament guidelines – but the army lists will be limited to 600 points – not 1500 points
Tournament Scoring
A well-balanced tournament scoring system encourages gamers to have fun and explore all aspects of the hobby, from gaming and painting to a little historical research. A competitor’s score will be based on three factors:
1. Historical Army 25 percent
2. Generalship 50 percent
3. Sporting Play 25 percent
Historical Army (25 percent)
A competitor’s will be scored by the umpire out of fifteen points for the historical quality of their force.
Written Background (5 points).
The background doesn’t need to be long, technical or academic. A maximum of a one-page story telling how the force came to be the way it is with a photograph is all that is required.
1 - Little or no background provided.
2 - At least one paragraph giving some background.
3 - Good background information and photographs.
4 - Interesting background that brings the force to life.
5 - Outstanding background that fits the force perfectly.
Painting Quality (5 points)
A well-painted army is much more enjoyable to field and to face than undercoated or unpainted figures. This item scores the general standard of painting of the individual teams making up the force.
1 - Unpainted army.
2 - Poorly painted or just undercoated.
3 - Good basic painting, faces, hands, boots and guns!
4 - Well-painted force with added details, accurate colours and scenic basing!
5 - Every model is a masterpiece.
Uniform Appearance (5 points)
Even if the paint job is only average, an army always looks better if all of the troops look like they belong together. This item rewards players for completing their force first before tackling more ambitious painting styles.
1 - Hotchpotch of different styles or unpainted.
2 - Several different styles in the army.
3 - Most of the models are similar in the style of their painting and basing.
4 - Similar style across the whole army.
5 - Whole army fits well together and looks like a single fighting force.
Generalship (50 percent)
- The biggest single block of points is allocated for the player’s generalship, their performance as a table-top general.
- Each game has seven points allocated between the players, with the winner scoring a maximum of six points.
- These results are recorded and added to the database software at the end of each round
Sporting Play (25 percent)
Perhaps the most important part of the scoring is the sporting play section. Giving points for good behaviour discourages the win at all costs approach and helps make sure that everyone has a pleasant time. There’s no point in winning on the battlefield if you lose the tournament by being unpleasant to your opponents. At the end of the tournament, every player votes for the two opponents they played against that were the most sporting and most enjoyable to play with.
Note: players can only vote for someone that they actually played against!
Electronic versions of this form are available on request to
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Nick in Launceston
Maharajah Trophy 2009

The Maharajah Trophy has been fought for as the Camp Cromwell club championship for the last 13 years.
The past winners have been:
1995 Mark Oakford
1996 Mark Oakford
1997 Peter Moy
1998 Barrie Macdonald
1999 Peter Moy
2000 Leigh Watson
2001 Peter Moy
2002 Jim Gandy
2003 Steve Jendrich
2004 Steve Jendrich
2005 Jim Gandy
2006 Chris Raine
2007 Steve Jendrich
2008 James Oakes
We will be starting the Maharajah 2009 competition soon after I get back on 2nd September.
I need to know the number of entrants so I can draw up the roster.
FOW - Mid War using the New Africa book.
2,000 points on 8x6.
Battles to be fought on normal wargames nights/days at Camp Cromwell, Barrie’s or Nick’s.
Mission will be diced for using Camp Cromwell house rule (which allows you limited vetoes).Terrain will be diced up to FOW recipe appropriate to army match-up.
By starting the comp in September we hope to have enough of flexibilty for timing matches so every one can be fought at a time convenient to both players.
Players are to nominate their favourite nationality (German, Itie, British, a Brit Empire county or US), and army type (Inf, Mech or Armour).
Where possible the draw will match Axis v. Allies (both in the same theartre of war) using 1st preferences.
When this isn’t possible, the players concerned will either agree to, or toss for one changing their army.
Army lists can be redrawn for each battle (knowing your opponent, but not mission or terrain).
I expect there will be between 8 & 16 entrants, so there will be some qualifying matches leading to a final 8 for an elimination series of 4 Quarter Finals, 2 Semi Finals & a Grand Final.
- Some top seeds (from last years results) will automatically qualify for the 8.
(How many depends on number of entrants - chosen to make the qualifying roster work efficiently).
- Nick says there is interest in Launceston - he will run a preliminary round up there to determine a Launceston champion who will take one place in the 8.
- The Kingston mob are also welcome to send a champion who could take a place in the eight.
Sign up:
Please let me know:
- If you want to enter - by return email to
- Your preferred nationality.
- Your preferred army type (provisional - you may change it after you see Africa2).
Don't be shy about signing up, with an elimination tournament we can cope with lots of entries & your commitment is only for a long as you keep winning. Inexperience is no barrier either - no one will mind beating you & who knows, you might get lucky.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Army List Spreadsheets
Also existing spreadsheets updated - rather than tabs for different formations there is now a dropdown at the top of the page to select the division or morale grade (Guards or regular for Soviets) if that is appropriate for the lists.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Antietam in Paris

The game was very entertaining - the hommes were terrific fun. They are right into the history, and obviously love the game, but don't take it too seriously - the game was full of banter & jokes - many the same as we have. There is a universal wargames-speak - such as discussion of just where the crest of the hill was. They were very considerate in keeping me in the conversation - they used English at lot, and even when they talked in French it was spiced with so much English wargames-speak I could often follow the gist of it.
Antoine provided me a report on the end of the battle by email: "...we had to quit before the end, but the Confederates were in bad shape, their right flank shattered by more and more reinforcing federal brigades."
The pics are all taken from behind the Union lines.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Loire

Friday, August 21, 2009
Army List Spreadsheets
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Nick in Launceston

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Nick in Launceston

Another game with a young 40K player -- Keenan. Same armies as last week - Sperrverband (Nick) vs Guards Tankovy (Keenan)
This game was as close as they come. Each army got to the objective on their right. The Russians realised they couldn't get to an objective before the Germans claimed victory, so they shot at the Germans hoping to cause an army morale check. They succeeded -- and the Germans had to roll a 5 or 6 as they were relucatant to stay and win the game with the Russian objective. This they did - but games dont get much closer. Along the way the game swung wildly. A German infantry assault massacred the Russian SMG's -- but then the Russian commander and one stand came back the next turn, and killed enough to cause the Germans to take a platoon morale which they failed. The German Stugs failed morale after losing one to Sturmoviks and one to a lucky shot by a singe T34/85. The Russian tankovy shrugged off all hits -- but when they were unlucky and had a few bailed tanks they failed morale even though fearless. The game was tense, and Keenan played well above his age -- only getting the odd hint from experienced players. A maharajah quality game!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Vist to le Musee des Bindes, Saumur, 11/08/09

US: Sherman, Honey, Grant & halftracks.
Brit: Matilda, Crusader AA, Sexton, Valentine, Churchill, Comet (no Cromwell regrettably).
Soviet: T34/76, T34/85, SU100 & a KV, also a heavy mortar & a Zis 2 (with seriously long barrel).
The pics show:
1. My Citroen CV3 recon vehicle beside one of the Shermans in the carpark. (I was the 1st excited kid there).
2. A big SU and a KV.
3. The row of Panzers.
4. A shuffle of Marders (there's a Hetzer at the end & that low barrel is a Pak 40 in between).
5. Hetzer with me providing scale.
6. Tiger with me providing scale.
Next time you are going to France I suggest you point out to your CIC how beautiful the Loire valley is.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Visit to Poiters battlefield 08/08/09

In September 1356 the Black Prince (Edward, Prince of Wales) was returning from a raid into France with about 7,000 English, Welsh & Gascon troops when he was intercepted by King John of France with about 20,000 troops. I visited the battlefield on 08/08/09.
On the web I had found a good map of the battlefield with modern roads & landmarks shown that made it easy to find. It’s actually about 8km south of Poitiers near a village called Nouaille-Maupertuis. There is “Le Prince Noir” Presse & Tabac in the village & a small information site, so the French do acknowledge its existence - they call it the battle of Nouaille. The info site isn’t quite on the battlefield (it’s off to the English left) & not very useful, but I had a printout from the website as a guide.
The English deployed behind hedgerows just in front of the Nouaille Wood. On the left the ground was rougher with a swampy valley. They had their wagon train behind their right beside the wood - in that location it had a getaway route to the south, but it was also fortified to cover the flank. There were good fields of fire for the archers & space for the mounted reserve between the infantry & the wood. I expect deploying front of the wood was to protect against envelopment & to give the guys somewhere to run to if things went bad.
The Frogs deploying their 3 battles one behind the other so they fitted the narrow front. Most of their cavalry was dismounted - possible reasons include 1) memories of Crecy (there were Crecy vets on both sides), 2) the hedgerows & vineyards made cavalry use difficult, 3) advice from William Douglas, the King’s Scottish advisor on fighting the English. The first line with most of the crossbowmen & light infantry was driven off by bowfire, the second line got mixed up with the remains of the first and after a stiff fight in the hedgerows was beaten off & fled the field.
But the third French battle lead by King John himself was still much bigger than the whole English army, now tired & depleted in ammo after beating off the first two battles. Now the BP did his Hannibal act. He sent his best captain, Jean de Grailly off to the right on a flanking mission with just160 men, left his own defensive position, and charged the oncoming French. There was a stiff fight until de Grailly’s men suddenly fell on the French flank. The effect was way out of proportion to the numbers involved – the French army broke. The King himself was surrounded & captured.
The battlefield has not been built over so the main features are still plain to see. The modern hedgerows are not in the same position as the original ones, in particular the one in front of the edge of the wood is not there now. But they are most likely a good indication of what they were like – bands of thick vegie 2 or 3 metres thick – very significant obstacles. They also block line of sight & would have totally hidden the flanking move ensuring complete surprise. The slope the French advanced up is very gentle, but between the hedgerows the English bowmen would have had great fields of fire.
It was a particularly good battlefield to visit because the terrain was very important to the action. The Black Prince chose his ground well & fully exploited the advantages it gave him to snatch victory against the odds.
Points to consider re wargames rules include:
Both sides considered that the terrain degraded cavalry’s advantages to the extent that they dismounted most of them.
A surprise flank attack by a very small force had a devastating on an entire army’s morale.
The BP left the tactical advantage of his fortified hedgerow to counterattack. The advantages of this may have been 1) to boost the morale of his own troops (nothing to be afraid of chaps – let’s go finish them off), 2) they were running out of arrows so the defence had lost some of its advantage, 3) it was the last thing the Frogs expected them to do – surprise is always good, 4) to coordinate with the flank attack, 5) the English had a mounted reserve (apart from the flanking force) – presumably placed where there was a field free of hedgerows & vineyards in front of their line so it could charge effectively.
The panorama pic is taken looking towards the English line. The wood is on the far side of the field. In 1356 there was a hedgerow this side of the edge of the wood.
The other pic is a typical hedgerow end-on - showing what an obstacle they are.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Nick in Launceston
