Round 1: Dust Up v. Denis Kosta’s Strelkovy
Denis charged forward immediately with infantry and T34’s atttacking the Hungarian infantry & HMG Coys holding the closest objective. The Strelk over-ran the
HMGs and pushed back the infantry. Then the T34’s hit the infantry and
discovered that they had 2 Panzerschreks attached, plus cmd, CIC & 2IC all
with panzerfausts. The T34s fell back, decimated, then failed morale. The
Strelk fell back into a wood and there was a lull as both sides brought up
reserves. The Hungarians advanced infantry and supports on their objective on a
hill while the 2 Stug platoons moved to the centre. The Soviets made another
attempt to attack the objective, this time destroying the defenders. But one
Stug platoon was close enough to move to contest the objective while the other one
supported the infantry attack on the Hungarian objective. The infantry was repulsed, but the Stugs took the objective and survived a mortar bombardment to give the Hungarians a
4:3 win.
Round 2: Fighting Withdrawal v. Rob Holloway’s US Armour
Rob hung back in the woods until his artillery disposed of the 88’s in the
centre, then he charged the centre objective (which could not be pulled up). The
Honeys got to the objective in good time, but the Hungarians had kept a Stug platoon
in reserve behind a hill and another in ambush. They came out to contest the
objective and hold on for a 5:2 win.
Round 3: Breakout v. Leigh Watson’s British Rifles

Once deployed Leigh’s army could put down 5 templates – 5.5”, 25pdr, 2 x
HMG and air. Constricted by terrain, the Hungarian infantry bunched up to
advance on the objective and made a perfect target. The Hungarians were
decimated and almost entirely pinned down for several turns. Their salvation
was once again the 2 Stug platoons coming on from reserve which rushed to the
objectives before the Brits could. Finally unpinned, the Hungarian motars and
artillery now returned the favour, pinning down much of the British infantry
& HMGs – who were reluctant to rally. Finally it came down to a shirt fight
in the cornfields in the centre between the Stugs and Cromwells while both sides rained
down heavy artillery and brought infantry support. The Brits also brought 6 pdrs
to bear. The Stugs died, but they sold themselves dearly, taking all the Brit
armour with them and holding off the Brit infantry just long enough for the
Hungarian grunts to reach the objectives for a 4:3 win.
Round 4: Free For All v. John Mumford’s Cossacks

The Hungarians dug in on the objectives on both flanks with 88s and Stugs
lurking in the centre. The Soviets advanced on both flanks. Cossacks and
KV85’s on their left and ISU122’s on their right. Their scouts covered the
objective on their right, while the cossacks left some behind on the other
objective. The cossacks and KV85s swarmed over hill and slammed into the
Hungarian line, cossacks first. The Hungarian infantry fought magnificantly.
They were eventually overwhelmed, but they took plenty of cossacks with them. The cossacks then went on to hit the
artillery behind, quickly destroying them. But the Hungarians had not been
sitting on their thumbs, the Stugs had advanced in the centre towards their
objective and shot up few cossacks as well – enough to get them below half
strength. John then threw 1 for morale, 1 for commander re-roll, then 1 for the
commissar and the cossacks evaporated. The 2nd Stug platoon had turned right to
dispute the Soviet objective and supported by the 88’s managed to get enough
kills and bails on the KV85’s to force a morale test on them – which they also
failed ! The remaining Soviets on their right went on a desperate rampage after
VPs, but they had nothing available to stop the Stugs taking the objective. A 5:2
win for Hungary.
Most Valuable Platoon Award
The Blue infantry platoon rated a citation for defeating a T34 platoon in game 1, the Red Infantry platoon likewise for taking nearly half a maxed out cossack platoon with it in game 4. But together the 2 Stug platoons arguably won every battle and share my MVP award.
Overall result
Under the standard FOW scoring system, my 4 hard fought wins were trumped by 3 big wins and a second place. But I can't complain, I was dead lucky to beat John anyway...the war gods move in mysterious ways.