Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ACW: Battle of Bristoe Station 1863

CSA: Mike & Steve.
Union: Jim & Chris.
The Rebs are retreating from Gettysburg & the Union are making  ahash of pursuing them.  Warren was retreating his Corps but was bumped into by A.P.Hill's CSA Corps at Bristoe Station. Hill lauched an impetuouis attack agaisnt the Union force deployed behind a railway embankemnt & was repulsed.  But the Rebs had more troops coming up & Warren retreated.

The Union has 2 divisions deployed on the railweay line with more coming up on their left.  The Rebs have 2 divisions deployed & more coming up from the far RH corner of the table.
The Union reinforcementt s have deployed along the railway line on the left of their advanbce guard.
The Rebs have shifted their advance guad's advance to the left in the woods.  Their reinforement are attacking the far end of the Union line.  
The Union left has been outflanked & the remants have fallen back.
In the centre, the Rebs have stopped their advance to engage ina fire fight.
The Union line is being rolled up from the left.  They have sent a division from their right to support their left.
The transfer of troops from right to left happened too late.  The Union left is broken without serious loss to the Rebs.  The Union concede & order a general retreat.

The scenario was probably unbalanced against the Union because it followed the listed OOBs & standard ACW troop types with considering that the CSA troops were retreating from Gettysburg & were almost certainly way under strength & lacked their usual advantages over Union troops.