Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Shenadoah Campaign: Battle of Winchester

In the indecisive double battle at New Town & Dinosuar Jubnction the 2 Union Union Corps fell back ro theri supply base at Wincheaster with the Rebs fiollowing them.fell back
By dawn the next day the Union is deployed in front of Winchester & the Rebs are deplyong to attack them.
Both sides have many units carrying casualties forward from past battles as Jackson's aggressive advances have provided no respite for either side to re-organise.

At the start only the Union front line is on the table, the location of their reserves has been disclosed to the umpire.  Jackson's Corps has come on the road rto the right of the centre of far side of the table.  Ewell's Corps on the closer road.
Ewell's cavalry is advanceing around the Union's left flank.
Jackson has set up a massed battery in the centre.
On the Union right they have advanced cavary to threaten the Reb's left flank.
On the Union left Ewel's cavary has dismounted & formed a slirmish line wrapping around the Union's flank while his infnatry is skirmishing in the wood.
In the cntre the Reb artillery is pounding away at the Union centre.  
On the Union right, they have now advancinginfatry to support their cavalry & the Rebs are falling back.
There are now contiuous lines exchanging musketry form tje cntre to the Union left flank.
In the centre the Uniuon front line ahs been broken by artillery fire, but they have reserves.
On the Union right, a cavalry fight has developed between the lines of infantry.  The Reb cavlary are outnumbered & look doomed.  

At this stage we adjourned for the night with the battle still in the balance.  Next Tuesday we will finish the battle & probaly the campaign.