Friday, September 23, 2011


Operation Cromwell is on again this year. 
This time as a doubles tournament to give us something completely different.

Date:           5-6 November 2011.

Venue:         St George's Church Hall, 30 Cromwell St, Battery Point.

Armies:       2 companies of 1,000-1,500 pts - no more than 2,500 total.
                    Late War.
                    Both companies have to be on the same side in the war.

Tables:       8'x6' tables will be used - you will have room to move for a change.

Roster:       4 rounds Swiss style.  We will prioritise club v. club matches.

Rules of Engagement: 

Detailed rules of engagement are being prepared and will be available as soon as we are happy that we have covered the neccessary bases.  These will include:
- Mission tweaks to suit the big table.
- Morale rules for the two company set up.
- Any restrictions on lists.
- Timetable.

Please let us know by email if you are interested in taking part and we'll forward you the Rules of Engagement.

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