Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Poles v. Ottomans: 17th century

Poles (Mike, Mark & Steve): 3 infantry brigades of 2 pike & 2 shot, a winged lancer brigade of 4 & a heavy cav brigade of 4 horse & 2 dragoons.
Ottomans (Jim & Chris): 2 brigades of 4 Levy, 2 skirmisher & 2 guns, 2 brigades of 4 heavy cavlry & 2 horse archers & a Jannisary brigade of 4.
Blind deployment by map within 18" of own table edge.
Initial deployment, Ottomans on the left.  The Poles have concentrated their cavalry on the far flank.
The Ottomans send their light troops forward & start moving their right flank cavalry to their left behind the infantry.  The Poles try to make a general advance, but their infantry fall behind with bad command dice. 
The otoman cavalry on their left is outnumbered as well as out matched & is soon driven back.  The Jannisaries face left as the right flank cavalry arrive in the nick of time to cover their flank.
The otttman left flank cavalry has been destroyed, but their left flank has been reformed. 
As the Poles prepare for an assault on the Ottoman left, the Ottomans launch a counterattack with their levy on the right fearing that their left was doomed once the Poles attacked the angle. 
The Ottoman left is holding on as their right attacks, but the writing is on the wall.
The the converging attack was too strong & the Ottoman army is broken with just the 2nd levy brigade left unbroken.

The next Camp Cromwell Tuesday will be March 26 as I will be away kayaking from the 4th to 19th March.  

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