Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Crusades: Hail King Richard

Crusaders: Mark & Steve.
Muslims: Jim, Chris & Mike
Both sides have 3 infantry divisions & 2 cavalry divisions, deplyed with map depoyment.
The Infidels unsportingly put all their cavalry on their left wing.
The Muslims right wing cavalry had no chance of resisting the Infidel cavalry, so went into delay mode.   The Muslims reid to reinfoce their right rather than advance with an exposed flank.
Poor command dice screwed the Muslim plan to reinforce the right. 
So they were forced to Plan C:  Try & take out the Infidel's right before their own right was ridden down
The Muslim cavalry did break an infantry division, but nothing could save their right where they lost thei cavalry, then two infantry divisions to fail their army break test.

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