Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Rome V. Carthage

Rome: Mike, Mitch & Mark.
Carthage: SteveJ, Jim, Chris & Gary.

The Romans are on the far side.  They have Allied hoplites in the centre, peltasts & all their cavalry on their right & their legion on their left.
The Carthaginians have their elephants in the the centre with Celts on their left, citizen spearmen on their right & Scurtarii in support.  They have half their cavalry & some Numidian light infantry on each flank.

(The camera man got so wrapped up in the action he forgot to take any pics for a while).
On the far flank the Carthaginian cavalry have broken the Roman horse.
The Celts & the Allied hoplites are slogging it out.  The hoplites survived the wild charge & are now getting on top.
The Legionaries have engaged the elephants in the centre & are getting the upper hand. with half the elephants destroyed already.
The Citizen spearmen have advanced overlapping the legionary's left. On the near flank the Carthaginian light cavalry are pinning down the triari as their heavy cavalry threaten the flank of the legion.

On the far flank the Carthaginian cavalry are taking their time reorganising after beating the Roman horse & the front line of Celts has been beaten. On the near flank the Carthaginain light cavarly are pinning down the triari while the heavies are lined up to attack the Legionary's flank.  

On the far flank the Carthaginian horse is still failing command tests & failing to advance, but the Celt's second line has charged the hoplites.  Cathaginian cavalry from the right have beaten the maniple deployed to cover the flank of the legion & continued on across the Roman rear where just one Maniple is covering the hoplites left flank. 
In the centre the Legion tried to charged the Scutari to fight their way out of trouble, but they are being held up by the Scutari as the Citizens wrap around their flank. 

On the far flank, the Carthaginian cavalry has finally advanced, but is not yet back in action.  The hoplites have finished off the Celts while a lone maniple held off the Carthagian cavalry attack on their left flank, 
The Legionaries are trying to withdraw from the pocket in the centre, but they are in a hopeless position & are being rolled up by the citizen spearman.

The legion has been broken & it's all over.   Hannibal has pulled off his old envelopment trick yet again!

1 comment:

James Fisher said...

The Romans got well and truly 'Cannaed' didn't they?
Fine looking game, no wonder the camera man was distracted. He came through with some excellent, crucial images though.
Regards, James