Tuesday, July 20, 2021

30 Years War with 28mm

SteveJ's Imperialists v. Mikes' Swedes.
The Empire has regular troops, bigger tercios, more cavalry & 2 units of 2 handed swordsmen.
The Swedes have veteran troops & smaller tercios but 1 more of them.

The Empire is on the left.
Both sides started cautiously.  The Empire advanced to just outside artillery range & stopped.  The Swedes advanced their right a bit.
The Empire has attacked with their cavalry on the near flank & begun an advance of their foot in the centre.
The Swedes had an big stoke of luck when a unit of detached musketeers on the right of their cavalry saw off a charge by the dreaded Polish Hussars way against the odds with two showers of 6's.  This robbed the Empire cavalry of numerical superiority in the cavalry fight which has so far been indecisive, with both sides winning some & losing some. 
In the centre the tercios have come to grips & the Swedes has gained a tactical advantage by overlapping the end of the Empires line of tercios by keeping the Empire left busy with a mass of skirmishing musketeers.
The cavalry fight remains indecisive, but the battle has been decided in the centre where the Empire's tercios are breaking as hot dice magnify the Swede's tactical advantage.

It was interesting to compare the pike & shot battle with 15mm 2 weeks ago to this one with 28mm.  The 15mm battle felt like there were more strategic options as the small troops meant the table was in effect bigger.  But the 28mm certainly look better as toy soldiers.  The rules work equally well for both.  My opinion is that the 28's are best for pick-up battles, but 15's are better for doing historical or campaign scenarios.

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