British: Mike, Steve & Mitch.
Italians: Jim, Chris & Mark.
Rules: Our own house blend of FOW & BA on a 10'x6' table.
3 Fucileri platoons supported by some MMGs, ATRs, light anti-tank & light howitzers are dug in around the village & oasis.
A British force of motorised infantry supported by armour is attacking them from the far end of the table.
Italian armour is in reserve off table behind the camera to come on sometime after turn 3.
The Italian Artillery & Armour are Confident Trained. The rest are Reluctant Conscripts.
The British are all Confident Trained.
The British have deployed their 25pdrs & some infantry on the ridge in front of the Italian position while their main force lead by 9 Crusaders advance past the Italian's left flank. The Italians are trying to manhandling their a/tank & artillery to their left, otherwise hunkering down hoping the cavalry will arrive to save them.
Two platoons of Italian tanks Semovente & M14 have come onto the table in the foreground to take on the 9 Crusaders.

Another troop of M14's have arrived & the Crusaders are getting smashed. The Brits also had 3 Grants which were at first supporting the infantry but are now moving up to support the Crusaders. A troop of L6 tankets have rushed up the side of the wadi to support the Fucileri. The British infantry re moving up to attack the Fucileri.
The British infantry have broken the centre Fucileri platoon & stormed into the oasis. More British infantry are now advancing on the Italian front line.
The Crusaders have been destroyed & the Italian armour is advancing to close the range on the Grants.
One the Fucierli platoon on the right is still holding on.
The Grants have now also been destroyed, but a converging attack on the last of the Fucieri has broken them. The Italian howitzer battery is ringed by infantry & doomed. The Italians have lost the village & oasis so have lost the battle.
But the Italian armour will retreat heads held high & the Rome Tribune front page will tomorrow proclaiming a great victory of the Italian armour in taking out 9 Crusaders & 3 Grants at the cost of 1M14.
The British plan was to keep the Italian armour at bay while their infantry won the battle. It worked even though the tanks were destroyed (according to the British tank commander, through bad luck, but according to the Italian tank commander by cunning tactics - in fact by a bit of both).