Tuesday, August 10, 2021

WWII Armoured: Germans v. Soviets in 15mm

 Jim's Panzers v. Mike's Soviets

The battle was fought with our house rules for WWII.
Deployment was by platoon in order of coloured dice out of a bag BA style.

The Soviets are on the far side with T34/85s on the ridge on their right, T34/76's on their left & 2 infantry platoons in the centre.
the Germans have MkIV's & Stugs on the ridge on their left, 2 Tigers & a mechanised infantry platoon behind the village. 
The Germans advanced their tanks off the hill to get into range of the T34/85's & do some damage before the T34/76's got around their flank.  But the Soviet's had the  advantages of hull down,  defensive fire. & better dice.  
The infantry of both sides was content to grab part of the village & hunker down while the big boys slugged it out.
The Germans turned their remaining Tiger & their Stugs to face the T34/76's on their flank while the MkIV's advanced  to cover to keep the T34/85's busy. But they missed every shot - the only T34/76 to die being picked off by the panzerschrek hiding behind a half track.
A shower of good dice by the T34's destroyed the Stugs & the writing is on the wall for the Germans as the T34/85s swarm forward.
The lone remaining Tiger is facing 6 T34's, the 3 surviving MkIVs are facing 6 T34/85.   It's only a matter of time.
The Panzers have been destroyed & the Panzergrenadiers in the village are doomed. 
The Soviet flanking manoeuvre backed with good dice secured them a decisive victory.  


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