Mithradates on the near side lines up again against his old foes., the Romans.
Lefit of centre the front cohort was getting the worst of it & has fallen back from the Pontic phalanx.
This is a group of mates who have been playing wargames together in Hobart, Tasmania since the early '70s. HQ is Jim's place in Battery Point, but games are played at several venues in Tasmania, Canberra & even England. If you want to get hold of us, please email
Mithradates on the near side lines up again against his old foes., the Romans.
Brits: Mark, Mike & Mitch
Italians: SteveJ & Chris
All troops Confident Trained (Italian infantry Bergaslieri)
Rules Camp Cromwell house rules for WWII.
The British plan was sound enough. Had they won the tank fight (which with better luck they could well have done), the Italians would have been flanked with 2 infantry platoons, bugs & the surviving tanks making converging attacks while their 3rd infnatry in the wadi & artillery held up the Semoventes.
Scots: Mike & Chris. New Model: Jim & SteveJ.
We used map deployment. The New Model is on the near side did a boring conventional deployment with pike & shot in the centre, musketeers on each flank & cavalry on each wing. The Scots put their highlander& artillery on the ridge in the their centre with cavalry on their left & lowland pike & shot on their right. The English plan was to outflank the Scots' left with cavalry, holding back their foot. Their left flank cavalry is being re-deployed to the right. Their right flank cavalry going out wide. The infantry have pulled back their left onto a ridge.The Scots failed army morale at this point. The battle showed how the extra space you get on the table with 15mm provides much more scope for manouvre than 28mm.
Chris & Jim travelled north to Devonport for another Operation Sudlicht Bolt Action event in Devonport. Mark had to drop out due to a (non-covid) lurgu). 20 players had 3 games on 10 tables. As always the event featured excellent terrain & was run like clockwork in a spirit of having a good time rather than intense competition.
Chris' Soviets won 1 & lost 2.
In game 1 v. a mainly vet US force, the Afrika Korps had a terrible turn 1. The MkIII was ranged in on 1st go by a medium howitzer & pinned out of the game until it was destroyed, a sniper took out the MMG & the Chaffee took out the the LG105. The enemy was too good a player to let the Afrika Korps recover from that.Having given the Afrika Korps a hard time in game 1, the dice gods relented in game 2 v. British Paras. The Afrika Korps took every trick & totally destroyed the enemy force while losing no units itself.In Game 3 the Afrika Korps fought more British vets & had another decisive victory.For more pics of the tables & action go to Tasmania Bolt Action Facebook (1) Bolt Action Tasmania | Facebook
Scots: Mike & Chris
English: Mark & Mitch
With a BA event at Devonport only 2 weeks away a practice match is need to refresh on the rules.
JohnM: Japanese vets.
Jim: Afrika Korps vets.
It's a blue in blue on unlikely terrain for both sides, but we're practicing for a BA tourney, so it's the sort thing we might get. Mission 2: Scenario : Meeting Engagement.
This is a scenario we have done before, but always a good one as two pretty evenly matched forces small enough to do in realistic scale with 28mm fighting pretty much in isolation from the rest of the battle. The table is 10x6'. Rules: Our Marathon to Mafeking house rules.
French: Jim & PeterC. Russians: Mark & Chris.
On the far flank the Hussars broke thru the front line but were stopped by a square behind & fell back. The heavy cavalry also attacked, but fell back after failing to break thru. The Russian centre continues a slow advance. The yeger's advance has slowed with French cheassurs in front. The cossacks are being pushed back by Hussars.
On the far flank the Russians have detached theri hussars & are sending them across their rear to support their left. Another attack of the Russian heavy cavalry broke part of the French line, but was stopped by supporting columns. On the near flank the cossacks have been broken & the end of the yeger line has formed square. On the far flank poor command has left the Russian cavalry flat footed as the better lead French infantry advance & shoot them up. In the centre the French skirmishers have been driven off & the infantry are exchanging musketryOn the far flank the Russian heavy cavalry have been broken by French musketry leaving the right flank of their foot overlapped & exposed. On the left only the end battalion formed square, showing some disrespect to the mere chasseurs to their front. But after they took a pounding from the French artillery the Chasseurs chanced a charge on a line of yegers & with a flurry of hot dice made a hole in the Russian line.On the near flank the yegers in column tried to form square, but were caught before completing the charge by more chasseurs bearing good dice. A Russian column attack on the right of the yeger's position was broken by artillery & musket fire. The remain square is surrounded by hussars,fails brigade morale & surrenders. The hussars have arrived from the far flank, but too late. In the centre the French line is holding . On the far flank the Russian infantry is outflanked & looks doomed.The Russian Hussars make a last desperate charge on the near flank, the French Hussars hold firm. The Russian right is being rolled up. The appointed time for nightfall has arrived & the Russians wil slink away in the dark claiming some kudos for hanging on until dark.According to our points system the French had 1360 points to the Russian's 1138. But it didn't look like it for a long time as the Russians had many more troops, including the only heavy cavalry, a lot more artillery & their infantry though poorly trained were rated "stubborn" & hard to break.. It looked scary for the French while the Russian line stayed continuous, but once cracks were made in it, the superior command rating of the French allowed them to take advantage & the Russians suddenly collapsed. It was probably a mistake for the Russians to send the hussars across the rear, as they arrived to late to help their left & their absence on the right was fatal to the heavy brigade facing aggressive infantry in numbers.