Tuesday, September 07, 2021

English Civil War: Scots v. New Model

Scots: Mike & Chris
English:  Mark & Mitch

The Scots are on the right.  Both sides are advancing.
The action begins with a charge of Scotts chiltrons on the left.  
On the far flank the Scottish cavalry have crossed the creek.  2 Roundhead cavalry wait for them while 2 support their foot against the schiltrons.  Highlanders have charged in the centre.  Right of centre 2 schiltons & 2 roundhead cavalry face each other off.  On the right roundhead cavalry are moving to the flank.
There is confused fighting in the centre while both sides try to advance their right flank cavalry.
On the far flank the Scottish cavalry finally charged & with 2:1 odds overcame the better quality roundheads opposing them. They are now advancing on the English flank.
In the centre the infantry fight has been a mixed bag for both sides leading to lull in the fighting there.
On the near flank the English foot has been beaten off, but their cavalry is onto the Scot's flank.
The Scots are mopping up the English left, but the English cavalry had done more damage more quickly to the Scot's left & are sweeping across their rear.  The Scots fail army morale before the English do.  The English have won, but it was a close run thing that could have gone either way right up to the last turn.  


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