We picked up where we left off last week.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Bull Run Day 3: Part 2
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Bull Run Day 3
As night approached on day 2 the Confederates fell back towards Manassas & the Union consolidated their positions on the south side of Bull Run.
In the morning the Confederates were deployed defending Manassas Junction while the Union advanced to a new line just outside artillery range.
The deployment was a slow process with green trooops, but once the infnatry was in a good line the Union artillery was advanced to within rifled artillery range to begin a bombardment of the CSA centre.A musket duel began on the Union right where the Union attempt to outflank the Rebs was countered by an infantry brigade advancing out of the woods & a cavalry regiment.On the Union left the Rebs advanced a brigade, and 2 Union brigades have advanced to meet them.In the centre the superior numbers of Union rifled guns have forced most of the Reb artillery to withdraw.
We were never going to finish this in one night, so we decided this seemed to be a good time to call a halt tonight. The deployment phase is over & we can start into the serious fighting fresh next week.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Bull Run: Day 2
We are fighting a Bull Run as a mini campaign over 4 campaign days.
CSA: Mark, Mitch, Chris.
USA: SteveD*, Renfrey, Jim, SteveJ.
Umpire: PeterW*.
* in Canberra by email & Zoom.
The map covers an area 20x16km.
Figs are 15mm, CSA old metals of various makes, Union 3-D printed.
Ground scale 400mm per km.
On day 1 the forces assembled, the Union north of Bull Run, the Rebs to the south.
On day 2 in the real thing, the Union spent the day resupplying & resting up, then on day 3 made a flank march to the west to cross the Run at Sudley Springs.
In this campaign, the Union advanced on a broad front directly towards Manassas Junction on day 2. All the fords were defended by Reb detachments.
At Blackburn the Reb have broken under musket fire from the front & artillery from the flank. More Union troops have appeared & are advancing down the ridge.
At Mitchels the Union have been driven back across the ford.After 16 turns with 6 left until nightfall, only 2 fords had been crossed by the Union & at one of them the attack was beaten back. But the loss of Blackburn has compromised the Rebel line & the CSA commander has lost his nerve & ordered a general retreat back towards Manassas Junction. The Union are happy to see them go. They will occupy the fords before nightfall in a good position to renew the attack across open ground in the morning.
The butchers bill is not high for either, but favours the Union. Most of the losses were from artillery fire. The 2 sides had the same number of guns, but the Union's were better concentrated & more effective.
Tuesday, December 07, 2021
Modder Fokkers
With a Bull Run campaign running by email but not yet resulting in battle we took a break from ACW & dusted off the WWI 1/72nd scale airplanes using our old Modder Fokker house rules.
British: Lt Oakford (Camel). Lt Nash (SPAD). Lt Arthur minor (Camel).
Germans: Oberleutant Gandy (Pfalz). Lt Jendrich (Fokker DVII). Lt Pearson (Albatros).
Lt Pearson took the honours with 3 shared kills, Lt Jendrich shared 2 kills & Ob Gandy shared 1 kill in a 3 nill German victory.