We picked up where we left off last week.
Having driven most of the Reb artillery out of the line the Union have limbered up their artillery in the centre & are moving forward into closer range as the Union infantry advance with them.
The Union are now putting the pressure of numbers with infantry against the Reb right & with artilelry in the centre. On the far flank the Union have enagaged the Rebs in the wood but are not pressing an attack, being content to tie the enemy down.
On the far flank the Union far left beyond the woods has been driven back, but the fight in the woods remains an indecisive sideshow as intended by the Union. But on the near flank the Reb line east of manassas Junction is collapsing under the pressure. With 6 turns of daylight left the Reb comander has decided his position is hiopeless and is ordering a general withdrawal conceding victory to the Union.
So ends our mini-compaign. It produced a week or so of intersting email manoeuvring on map, leading to 3 great nights on the wargames table (at least the Union thought they were great).
The battle went very differently to the real thing. The Union command decided that long flank marches into s confused battel situation were not a good idea with green troops. Instead of preparing on day 2 & then going out around the CSA left on day 3 as in the real thing, they attacked the fords directly on day 2. When the Union succeded in gaining a crossing the Rebs fell back to defensive position in front of Manassas Junction. So the main battle on day 3 was more of set piece making it much easier for the Union to control their green troops in an attack.
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