Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Bolt Action Tank War

!500 pts Tank War scenario.
Brits: Mike, Chris & SteveJ.
Germans: Jim, Mark & Renfrey.

The Germans are on the left. 
There are 6 objectives - the village, the 3 hills on the centreline & the 2 ridges on each side.
Aftera  deployment turn within 18" of own table edge, both sides rushed infnatry forward in trucks.  The Germans held their tanks back hull down on their ridge to provide covering fire  The Brits rushed most of their armour forward.
On the nearest hill, the Brits tried to rush the germans, but were mown down by Hitler's buzzsaws.  In the centre boths sides hunkered down on their side of the hill.  On the far flank the brits occupied the village unopposed.
The Brits on the centre hill have been blown away by mortar fire but the objective remains in dispute by a Sherman.
The Brits have outflanked the far hill & destroyed the German infantry there giving them  victory with 3 objectives to the Germans 2 & 1 in dispute.  

The Germans erred in holding back hull down on the hill with their MkIII G's.  They needed to get closer to the Shermans & Grants to increase their chance of penetrating with their 50mm guns.

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