Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sunday School: ACW

We re-fought last Tuesday's the attack on the railway village to try to get a handle on exactly how much advantage defending a village provides in ACW with our rules.
Chris attacked with 10 Confederate regiments.
Jim defended with 7 Union regiments.
All troops were the same class to simplify the comparison.

The Confederate begin their advance.  The railway station & whore house have troops in them.
The Union regiment in the orchard on the left have broken their attackers but are being outflanked.
The attack on the whorehouse has been beaten off.  The attack on the right has been delayed by a command failure.
On the right, the Union extended their line with a reserve regiment & beat off the attack with fire. 
The attack on the station by 2 regiments has succeeded & it has been occupied by the Rebs.
On the left, the flanking regiments of each side have neutralised each other in a long range firefight. 
The Union regiment in the orchard was broken by an attack from the left & the victorious Rebs charged the whorehouse.  The defenders had beaten of the first attack but with heavy loss.  The battle came down to this fight - made even by Union casualties negating the house advantage.  the Union threw better dice & so it was the Rebs that broke.

The battle came down to the dice in one combat, so the odds of 10 to 7 seemed to nicely balance the scenario.   Last Tuesday, the Rebs had 12 regs to 6 regs & 2 guns & won comfortably.

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