Friday, August 25, 2023

Napoleonic battle at Mutford

While Tim's wargame shed has the table set uo for Naval battles, his garage has a 12'x6' table setup for land battles.  I devised a scenario for a battle using the Mutford Napoleonic rules, which are heavily modified Black Powder.

The French are on the near side of the table with 2 infnatry divisions & a cavalry division between.  Facing the french left is a mixed Austrian division.  Facing their right is a mixed Russian division.
On the left the French have advanced to the ridge as the Austrian infatry advance slowly.  The French advance was partly disruted by an opportunistic charge down the road by Austrian hussars  forcing the French artillery to evade & the right flank infatry to form square. 
On the right the French have advanced to a defensive line between the wood & village as the Russians slowly advance. 
In the centre the French cavalry have struggled with command dice as they try to gain the high ground.
On the left the French infantryhas taken up a defensive postion on the ridge (the church model has been removed to allow the occupying French legere to be visible).
In the center the Austrian & French cavalry have engaged & the French are getting the best of it.  On the right of the hill, the French have finally got theri cavalry up to face the Russian cavalry. 
On the left the massed Austrian columns have charged home.
In the centre, the French have beaten off the Austrian cavalry & are finally deployed facong the Russians on their right.
On the far right not much is happening beyond an artillery exchange & skirmishing in the wood. 
On the left teh Austrians have broken the French infantry on the ridge.
In the centre, the French cavlry are geting the upper hand in amassive cavalry brawl with the Russians.
The battle was terminated & the result adjudicated after turn 12.
The Austrian infnatry have decisively defeated the French infnatry on the left.
Nothing much happened on the right flank.
In the centre the Allied cavalry is all but destroyed.
The result was decided to be a narrow French victory.

I commanded the French.  I had no trouble playing the rules & enjoyed it.  As with all good rules, following sound military principles worked fine.  The Mutford rules are more complex & slow to play than M2M, but that's the sort of game my English friends like & they had some interesting concepts to consider for M2M.

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