Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Crusaders again

Saracens: Steve, Mike & Chris. 4 Egyptian foot, 4 Arab foot, 8 heavy cav, 8 horse archers.
Crusadrers: Jim, Mark & Mitch. $ bows, 4 spears, 4 sergeants, 4 knights.
The Crusadera made a map of their deployment, the Saracens set up, then the Crusaders put their troops down.  The result was very unsymmetric deployment.  Both sides put their foot in the centre & their heavy cavalry on their left.  The Saracen right flank was horse archers.  The Crusader right flank was overlapped.

The Crusaders are on the left.
The Saracen heavy cavalry immediately advanced on the Crusader foot which wheeled to face them abchoring their right on the table edge.  On the far flank the Crusader horse is trying to drive the horse archers off the table. 
The Saracen horse is attacking the Crusader foot with a mix of charges & bow fire.  The Crusaders are defending with the spearmen in front & their bowmen firing overhead,
In the centre the Arab foot is advancing face d by just 2 units of sargeants.
On the far flank some of the horse archers have been driven off the table, some have escaped into the oasis (defended by the Egyptian infnatry). 
The Saracen horse has broken thru the Crusader line but the knights aare galloping to the rescue from the far flank.
The surviving Crusader foot hang on desperately as the knights ride down some the Saracen foot in the centre. 
Both sides are verging on the edge of failing their army morale test as both sides cavalry hack into the  enemy foot.
In the end it became matter of luck as to which side lost half theri force first.  In the last turn, both sides  only had to lose 1 more combat to fail morale, but the Saracens hung on in two combats they were at a disadvantage while pulling off a win to break the Crusaders. 


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