Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Marengo Campaign: Battle of Novara 1 June

The campaign started on 14 May 1800.  It took until 1 June to get to our first battle.

Vukassovich's Corps started the campaign guarding the Simplon Pass.  Faced with a larger French force coming down the pass, Vukassovich left a garrison at the fort at Domo d'Ossola & marched south towards Alessandria to join Melas' main army.

But at Mortara he found Bonaparte blocking his route with two Corps.  He about-faced, abandoned his train & marched north with Bonaparte in hot pursuit.  But 10km south of Novara he found another French Corps barring  his way.

The table was set up 16' long, 6' wide, but 7' wide at the far end where the fighting was expected.  The battle was fought by Zoom with Vukassovich in Lenah Valley and Victor & Lannes in Canberra.  Chris & I pushed the plastic & worked the cameras.
Lannes Corps will reach this position on throwing 5+ on 1 dice 1st turn, 2 dice 2nd turn etc.  Victor is at the far end.  Vukassovich is between.  Bessieres is still off the table, behind Lannes.  There will be  4 corps, each about 8,000 men on the table.  Unfortunately for Vukassovich only one of them is Austrian.
Vukassovich deploys out of road column.  Victor advances his flanks.
Vukassovich's cavalry sent the French cavalry on his left packing & his infantry is now sliding to his left.
Victor is wrapping around Vukassovich's right. 
Lannes is on the way, with the Consular Guard cavalry galloping ahead.
The Guard cavalry swept away the Austrian hussars & broke the end of the Austrian line.  The rest of the Austrians fled the field off the far side as a disorganised rabble.  They have lost their train, their line of communication & supply, & are isolated on the wrong side of the French army.


KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Jim- ArrrH! I tend to have a soft spot for Austria (Visited in May 2015) and Napoleonic Austrians - seems in this Battle the Gods were with the French. Great post- most enjoyable. Cheers. KEV.

Gonsalvo said...

With one Corps fighting three, the Austrians would need all of the Battle Gods with them to prevail... either that or one Louis Nicholas Davout! :-)