Sunday, May 10, 2020

Napoleonic Naval

French (Chris): 2 1st rates, 2 3rd rates,  All regular crews.
British (Jim): 1 2nd rate, 3 3rd rates. All elite crews.
Rules: Our home grown Man o' War rules.  Models: Old Airfix Victories.
The two fleets started on opposite tacks with the wind abeam coming towards the camera.The Brits have turned to port to be close hauled as the Freench come straight on.
The British flag ship starts teh action bow raking the on coming French flagship.
The French turn to be close hauled on starboard tack.  
The Brits show their superior seamanship by sandwiching the French flagship & forcing it to strike.  (We have taken the ships in the same hex off their bases so they fit).
As the 2 flagships drop away, the next 2 British ships hit the 2nd French ship so hard she sinks.
FrenchThe British flagship is badly damaged so is content to escort her prize away as the British 3rd rates turn to chase the 2 remainin  French ships.
The ships close in for more hard pounding
One British ship peels off with serious damage, but the other two are in good condition & concentrate their fire on the rearmost French ship - slowed down by rigging damge.
It isn't long before it strikes.  The 2nd French 1st rate makes her escape.


KEV. Robertson. said...

Great to see the old AIFIX HMS Victory models being put to good use- most interesting.

Jim Gandy said...

Some of those on the table are 50 years old & they are still making them.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Yes, JIM the HMS VICTORY has stood the test of time- still available and still a great model to own. Cheers. KEV.

Mutford said...

Man o 'war is a great ruleset although of course we modify some aspects, like including teh effects of smoke.

Any sight of the new black seas models?