Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Almondacid 1809

While Wellington is in ignominious retreat from Talavera Venagas' Spanish army on his left flank was attacked by Sebasitiani's corps.  Venagas' army has a good position on a ridge to defend & outnumbers the French by 30%, but is, well ... Spanish.  In our rules the French army is all Regular while the Spanish army is all Inexperienced & its units also break if shaken. The Spanish army will count it as a win if they hold until nightfall (10pm on the table) without breaking.
Spanish: Jim & Chris.
French: Mark & Mike.

The Spanish deployed first & are on the left.  They have 5 infantry divisions of 4 units & a battery plus 2 cavalry divisions of 4 units.
The French have 3 infantry divisions of 4 line, 1 legere & 1 battery & 2 cavalry divisions.

The French are attacking on their right.  As French cavalry advances around their flank, the Spanish infantry in reserve behind their left is deploying into a line of squares & the cavalry reserve ihas turned to move left in support.

The French cavalry trying to sweep around the Spanish left have been met by the Spanish horse from their reserve.  The left of the Spanish infantry line has been broken by the French columns.  Venagas is redeploying his second line on his centre & right to make a second line of defense on his left.

After losing a unit in the first clash the Spanish cavalry were ordered to fall back.  The Spanish infantry redeployment is proceeding slowly, but the French have given them a bit more time by choosing to go into line & finish off the Spanish left with musket fire. Venagas has felt the need for a dark ale.
The Spanish left is slowly disintegrating as the Spanish play for time, even being accused of spilling beer as a delaying tactic.
The French cavalry have renewed their attack on the Spanish left.  On the other flank, the French cavalry have now also advanced & the Spanish infantry on the ridge have formed squares on the reverse slope.  The spilt beer seems to have fortified the Spanish reserves who have finally sorted themselves into a neat defensive line. 
As nightfall approaches the Spanish cavalry on the left has beaten off the French cavalry & their infantry has withdrawn out of charge range.
With the 10pm deadline approaching the French have time for one move to break the Spanish before dark.  The Spanish tactical withdrawal has put their foot out of charge range.  French fire broke the overlapped square on the ridge, but that was not enough to break another infantry division.  Sebastiani's last chance was his cavalry on his right.  The Spanish cavalry managed to tie the combat, but their casualty made their unit shaken & the break if shaken if Spanish rule broke the unit, & the cavalry division, & the army at 9.59pm to give the French victory.


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