Saturday, December 26, 2020

Castalla 1813

 Suchet's corps v. Murray's British & Spanish

French (Jim):
3 infantry divisions of 4 line, 1 light, 1 gun + 3 cavalry brigades (2 hussars, 2 Dragoons, 2 Cuirasiers).
All regular.

British (SteveD): 6 infantry, 2 light dragoons & 1 gun. Veteran infantry, Regular cavalry & artilllery.
Spanish (Chris): 8 infantry, 2 light cavalry & 2 guns.  All Inexperienced.

The French started in road columnn.
The Spanish deployed with only the visible troops on the ridge line running the length of the table to the left of the town of Castalla.

Most of the French continued down the road while the rear division turned left & advanced towards the ridge.

The French have now deployed facing the ridge & are sending skirmishers forward to mask the visible
guns on the ridge.

The French right has gained the ridge & found that they outflanked the allied army.  Their centre has attacked the Spanish on the ridge.  Their left has seen British on the ridge in front of them & have been held back. 

The French infantry on their right  flank has inexplicably slowed their advance (bad command dice).  Suchet has galloped across to stir them up while the French heavy cavalry charged the Spanish left flank. The French centre has mostly cleared the Spanish off the ridge, but the redeployed into line rather than continue against the British veterans.  
The Spanish left has collapsed leaving the British left exposed.  The Brits tried to attack their way out of trouble.  On the far flank the British cavalry had attacked the French hussars, but lucked out. In the centre, the French on the ridge held the line & the British line was enveloped.  The allies concede the battle.  


1 comment:

Gonsalvo said...

The end looked pretty grim for the British!