Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Maloyaroslavets 14 Oct 1812

Another Age of Eagles scenario fought with 28mm figs & our M2M house rules.
Russians: SteveJ & Chris.
French: Mike, Mitch & Jim.

The French are coming from the far side in a road column, crossing the river & deploying around Maloyaroslavets. 
Cosacks have come on from the far left & the head of a Russian column is about to start deploying in front of the village.
Eugene's Corps is now fully deployed with infantry & artillery in & around the village & cavalry on the flanks.
The Cossack have been charged by French cavalry on the far flank.
The 1st Russian Divison has deployed facing the French right.
A 2nd Russian Division is starting to deploy facing the French left.
Davout's Corps has arrived to support Eugene.
On the far flank French cavalry have forced the Russians into square to make good targets for the french foot.
On the near flank French cavaly is delaying the Russian deployment by forcing them to be careful.
There is an exchange of musket & artillery fire in the centre, with both sides fighting mainly in line.

In the centre Russian columns from the 2nd Division have broken thru the French front line & gained foothold in the village.  On the near flank the French cavlry has fallen back in the face of massed Russian columns, but they have bought time for Davout to reinforce the French left with his 2nd brigade..
Right of centre, the French have pulled back their front line after taking heavy casulaties, but have been reinfoced by Davout's 1st brigade.

On the near flank the Chasseurs have charged the columns & while repulsed, they have further delayed their attack. 
Left of centre, the Russian breakthrough has been beaten off by the French 2nd line.
Right of centre, the French are retiring to a reverse slope position, but still occupy the houses in the village.
On the right a cavalry v. square stalement suits the French, & the Cheveaux Legere brigade is now being moved to the left
On the left, the Chasseurs have been withdrawn leaving Davout's veterans to face the Russian columns, but their attack was beaten off with sufficient loses to break the Division. 
On the right the French infantry have completed an orderly withdrawal to a reverse slope thru the village to avoid Russian artillery fire.
The Russian 1st Divison is still in good shape, but on it's own it has no alternaytive but to withdraw as dusk closes in.
So in our version of 1812, Napoleon's army may have the option of marching south to the Ukraine.  My analysis is that the French use of their cavalry superiority was the key to their victory.  Though the French cavalry were too few to be decisive itself, the French used them well to delay the Russian advance long enough for Davout to stiffen the defence before Eugene could be over-run. 

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