Tuesday, November 08, 2022

WWII: Mechanised Americans attacking Germans

 US: Jim, Mike & Chris.  2 armoured infantry platoons, 2 Sherman platoons, 1 Honey paltoon, 1M10 platoon & off table battery of 105's.  All confident trained.
Germans: SteveJ & Renfrey. 4 infantry platoons, Pak 40 platoon & heavy mortar platoon dug in with Paks hidden in ambush. 2 MkIV platoons in resevre (to come on turn 3 in nominated locations).  All fearless veterans.

I forgot to take pics until the battle was well under way.

The Germans are tasked with defending the two villages.
The US attacked from the near side of the table attacking the RH village & the centre. with the intention of breaking thru then wheeling left to attack the LH village. 
The Pak ambushes took out 2 Honeys 2 Shermans before the 2 in the centre were shot up & the other two on the left screened off by smoke. 
The Panzers have come on.  The platoon on the right are exchanging fire with the Sheramns & M10's on teh central ridge.  The platoon on the left are moving up into firing positions on the ridge. 

At this point the US were feeling they were in trouble.  In the centre their infantry attack had been beaten back with ehavy losses & they had lost half their armour.  On the right they were slugging it out with stubborn grenadiers in the orchard.

At thei point the Germans made a critical error.  They laid smoke to protect theri tanks on their left from the M10s on the central ridge so they could counter the US armour in the  orchard.  But thsi allowed the US armour in the cntre to concenrate on the second Panzer platoon.  The US lifted their smoke screen on the left braving the Paks & concretrated their tanks guns & artillery on the Panzers on the ridge.  They were rewarded by a run of luck.  The artillery landed on the tanks 1st time & took one out & thee M10's got one each.

Next turn the US artillery put the smoke screen back in front of the Paks & the M10's took out another MkIV on the ridge, while the Shermans broke thru the orchard & enagaged the other panzer platoon.

The Germans tried to launch a counterattack with their infantry from their right flank, but with the panzers dealt with the US armour was free to mow them down.  So a decisive victory for the US after a shaky start.


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