Tuesday, August 08, 2023

North Africa Mech War

The scenario is a British attack on Axis airfield defended by Italians.
15mm figures, Hohse Rules.

View from behind the British attack.
Mark's poorly trained Fusilieri are dug in around tthe airfield (12 infantry stands & 4 light a/tank guns.
On the left Mike has 12 infantry stands in trucks, 2 bugs & 2 2pdr portees.
On the right Mitch has 6 infantry stands in trucks & 2 Vickers light tanks.
In the centre Jim has 9 Crusaders.
The scenario has the Italians receiving reinforcements on turn 3 consisting of 10 M14 light tanks & 12 stands of Bersaligieri in trucks.  Their point of arrival was determined by drawing a card with 4 options.  The cards decided that Steve would come on behind the British right. 
The Brits turned their Crusaders & portees around to face the Italian reinforcements while their infantry dismounted to attack the airfield.
The British infantry have taken out the front line of Fucilieri.
The Bersaligieri are moving up behind on the right to counterattack.
The Italians are getting the better of a bloody tank fight.
Mike's infantry have over-run the airfield on the left & placed charges on the planes.
Mitch's infantry on the right have been over-run by Steve's Bersligeir, though with high casualties.
Jim's armour has been totally destroyed leaving the Italians with 6 M14's still in action.
The Aixis aircraft are in flames, but the British are below half strength & have to withdraw to their trucks with the bugs & Vickers covering their retreat. 

So the Brits have achieved their objective, but it's a phyrric victory, if a victory at all.  Both sides claim victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

question :were the british below half strength prior to the final 2 aircraft being destroyed ?