French: SteveD with 1 1st rate & 3 3rd rates.
Spanish: Chris with 1 1st rate & 3 3rd rates.
Brits: Jim with 2 squadrons each 1 2nd rate & 2 3rd rates.
Random deployment.
Brit 1st squadron LH centre, 2nd squadron near corner.
Wind directly behind the Brits.Your reporter got carried away chasing Spaniards & forget to take any pics until after smashing through their squadron with both broadsides double shotted. Two Spanish ships have struck their colours. The two survivors are sailing this side of the island while the Brits are sailing around the other side.
Meanwhile the French were working their way upwind to intercept the Brit 2nd squadron.

The French & 2nd brit squadrons have sailed past each other exchanging fire at close range. Both sides have suffered significant, but not fatal damage - enough to dissuade both from wanting to renew the fight. The French sailed off cursing their incompetent Spanish Allies. The Brits were content to have taken all 4 Spanish ships.
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