Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Modder Fokkers

 With 3 players we found some 2 v. 1 Modder Fokker scenarios.

Game 1: Mitch with an Albatros DII v. Jim & Mark with DH2's.

At first it looked like the two DH2's had the advantage as the planes were about equal in performance  & while both sides a total of two MG's the two DH2's could between them take a lot more hits.  But the Albatros got lucky scoring two critical hits on Mark's DH2's engine sending it down.  The other DH2 then ran away.

Game 2: We upgraded Mitch's Albatros to a DIII to make a bloody April scenario.

This time things were very different with the DIII being tougher & more manoeuvrable that the DII.

This time the Albatros got on Jim's tail & put him down.  Then Mark buggered off.

Game 3: Jim's Bristol fighter v. two Albatross DIII
The 2MGs in the tail made the Bristol a nasty beast.  It took a  bit of flack from Mark while the tail gunner pounded Mitch.  
Mitch tried to run, but the Bristol pursued & finished him off with the single front MG.  Mark didn't fancy facing the Bristol alone & ran for home.

So we all got shot down once in the course of the evening.  It was the first time in long while that we flew early war planes & were reminded why we usually fly late war.  The early planes are slower & harder to manoeuvre, so not so many options to choose from when you get into trouble.   

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